September 26, 2024

Why hiring an agency is more than an investment.

Written by
The Bract's Team

When hiring an agency, companies are always skeptical about their return on investment. How will you evaluate precisely your gains and not waste time, money, or both? A great product would sell itself, so why is a marketing agency necessary?

The most precious resource is time.

Building a company and creating a product requires a precise set of skills. Suppose you are a tech startup, launching a cosmetic range or a B2B company. In any case, you may have noticed that you became naturally performant at managing your team. You are able to efficiently and swiftly find the right solutions, and evaluate insights from your market to turn it into a successful business. 

Controlling everything and succeeding gives you the feeling that the marketing and advertising part would feel natural. You may have a blurry idea of what your website should look like, but when it comes to executing all of those ideas, everything becomes more laborious. You end up wasting time. Time you could have to spend improving your product. (And we all know: time is money.)

Buy skills and knowledge.

If advertising were easy, there would be far fewer agencies. Every branding, advertising and marketing agency has its own process and way of thinking. When you hire a team to work on your project, it is crucial to validate their capabilities in order to understand your market. And what we mean by market is trends, threats, opportunities, insights from your audience, etc.

Analytical thinking is crucial to success. The closer you get to reality, the higher the chance you will have to affect your audience. We sell a product to people, so first we must get to know them. BRACT’s team knows exactly how to collect this data. We correctly anticipate where to look and what to look for.  

When it comes to design content, every agency and designer will come up with something completely different and each agency has a team with the power to conjure as many ideas as necessary. There are thousands of possibilities. The only difference is the way in which you build the content and why. We usually hear that an excellent execution doesn't need justification. We agree, but creative thinking and art direction stay subjective. We fully understand your target and possess the ability to explain why our proposition is the right one. Everything is linked, therefore everything must make sense and remain cohesive. 

Surround yourself with a strong and supportive team.

Creating a company and making it successful is not an easy feat.  No one talks about this enough. That's why we refer to ourselves as ‘benevolent’. We work with clients whom we want to help and support in their strive to success and who maintain the same mindset as us. If one of our clients hits a roadblock, or begins to struggle, we remind them that they are surrounded by a team that fully supports them. We are here to support you, but also to help you grow. We will talk to you, challenge your ideas, make your ideas more significant and more impactful and anything else we must do to help you and your company thrive

We've witnessed European countries literally being saved by an advertising campaign. For the quick story: Airwaves sugar free chewing gum was not supposed to taste so strong, and it turned out that the factory had made a mistake. Instead of wasting all the gum that had already been produced, Airwaves went to an advertising agency, and they had a brilliant strategy: Make it a new, super strong flavored gum for people with bad breath. 

This is an excellent representation of the power that communication and advertising can have: no one lost a job, the production kept going, and Airwaves became a super successful brand. 

Make a beautiful change.

Our agency has a little twist; we want to act for good. We've seen way too many boring campaigns. We know how much it costs for the client and how much money they're wasting. We care about our future generation, and we want to leave a significant mark. Every single company and brand needs communication. That's why we think it's a fantastic opportunity to make a change. Our clients shouldn't compromise on the quality and efficiency of production. We make sure to merge both: high-quality content and benevolent messages: which, to us, is the best combination.

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