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Based in Tel Aviv, operating in Paris and San Francisco.

Why can't people remember your brand?


September 26, 2024

Start with the why. Not to be harsh, but try to think about everything you could be doing wrong. Be honest with yourself. Why aren't people engaging with your advertisements? Your messages? Why can no one seem to remember your purpose? Do people know your purpose at all? Why is the traffic to your website so low and the engagement on your Instagram diminishing, too? The faster you acknowledge your weaknesses, the quicker you'll be able to move on. Communication and marketing are not meant for everyone, but there are always resources and agencies to help.

Now that we’ve discussed the ‘why’, let’s consider the ‘because’. 

Maybe no one relates to your ads. Maybe you targeted the wrong consumer. Maybe your method didn't stick because you didn't truly understand your target. Perhaps people were presented with your ads but weren't made aware of your product or what makes you unique. Is it because you weren't repetitive enough? Did they understand why they were being shown this ad? Why are you important to them? They saw the ad once, maybe twice, and weren't touched by your presentation. So what reason would their brain have to store a memory of your product? You have to convince them! Whether it's via language or just allowing the product's visual identity to speak for itself, they must know everything they need to know about your product within a few seconds. Their attention won't last long, making this the most challenging part.

We've now successfully asked ourselves most of the essential questions and can begin talking in complete sentences. Let's proceed.

Remembering a brand and its product is not automatic.

It's like meeting strangers at a party. You arrive, there are 30 people, and some stand out more than others. Is it because of their look? Is it because of their attitude? Both, but what are the chances you look good enough to please everyone? Maybe if you put on that dress or button-up shirt, one or two people won't forget you. But what if you spoke loudly and expressed your feelings, shared real stories, and talked about your failures your triumphs? Well, I can imagine that for some of you, that exercise must be terrifying; being vulnerable in front of strangers is hard, challenging, and can feel like jumping from the 6th floor of a building. But what do you prefer? Being invisible? Or unforgettable?

All brains work the same. Our brain compartmentalizes information into sectors such as "vital" and "can live without." Most of the time, we remember things because they made us feel something. We recognize the smell of our grandma's famous chocolate cake, the sense of our first kiss (and first heartbreak), and that bomb advertising campaign that we felt understood us. Some memories don't disappear over time, whether it was a good or bad feeling.

Because your advertisements must remain as specific as possible so that people can relate, you will have to think outside of the box. You will have to take a risk to find a method that allocates to more than just one category of people at a time. Whether it's financially, personally, or professionally, it is unavoidable. This doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing. The most significant risk you take has the potential to be the one that changes your life for the better. And if you wait, you'll find that the best opportunities will be missed. Don't wait.

5 Tips to make your brand leave an impact

Tip 1: Ask Your Customers for What They Want

Make sure to ask the customer for feedback on their experience after using your service or product. Keep in mind that you can't please everybody but you can try to please the majority. 

How can you do this? 
You can use surveys, giveaways, or polls to gather data. Make things simple if its to long and complex they won't take time out of their day to do it. Would you?

Tip 2: Make Your Website Easy to Navigate

When a person visits your website they to see information that is a solution to their needs. If your site it hard to navigate it will confuse the user and he won't be able to find what he is looking for and will leave your website with a poor experience. Everything should have a reason and be arranged logically and clearly labeled. Less is more. Don't spread yourself thing trying to talk about too many topics per page. 

Tip 3: Create a Well-Designed Logo

A logo is one of the most fundamental things about your website because it represents what your brand is about. It will help you to communicate your message to potential clients. 

Important things to remember when creating a logo:

Choosing colors

Colors work as an essential tool for communicating ideas. Different colors make people feel different things. For example, red usually causes anxiety where as blue is used to give a feeling of calmness.


Try to stay away from overcomplicated, distracting designs that will lead your customer off track. Simple logos that have a deeper meaning attached are very hard to nail but are a worthy investment of your time.  

Tip 4: Keeping up with the latest technology

Our reality today is people want the newest, fastest, fanciest thing available. Think about it every year apple comes out with a new phone and even though people have a perfectly good one they still buy the new one. That is how consumers are functioning these days. We have to follow apples lead and continually be innovative, wether that's learning the newest softwares or updating your business strategy. As humans we have been adapting since the beginning of time, it's in our nature all we have to do is channel that.

Tip 5: Know your content inside and out

Creating consistent content throughout all your online platform is key for people to remember your brand. Make them want to read more, give them an experience that will leave them wanting more. Use empathetic problem solving words that shows them you understand their struggles. Now is not the time to be boring and bland, be relatable.

Advertisers and brands often forget that they're talking to people. Where do we start? 

Great question. You can start by understanding the challenges of advertising. This article discusses flexibility and sensitivity in the advertising world. It is crucial to be sensitive to your audience. That way, they'll feel more understood by your brand and thereby more inclined to use/invest in it.

It is important to remember that a "target" is not a group of mundane humans spending all of their last pennies on your new ice cream. They are individuals with life, struggles, specific tastes and desires, dreams, and passions. So, the next time you're designing a logo, crafting your brand strategy, or redesigning your website, think about yourself, but try to maintain a majority of the focus on them and what they want.

Once you successfully get your target to buy your product or service, they are no longer a target but a consumer. This is where you have to take extra care of their experience. Check every box and ensure that their direct experience with your team, website, or customer service agents is impeccable. If their encounter, at any point, goes awry, you can consider yourself one customer less.

The most crucial lesson from this piece of writing is to take care. Take care of your audience, yourself, your image, and anything else you can take care of. We practice incorporating kindness into everything we create. It's worked out pretty great if we do say so ourselves. We recommend you do the same. But also, please don't be afraid to take risks. You can't move forward if you continue making decisions that keep you in place.

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